
Who is God?

There is historical evidence that in every culture of the world that there is an instinct of a one true God. Before there even was any religion, Enoch walked with God (book of Enoch). We believe there is ONE GOD for ALL PEOPLE. God is light, life, the self-existing one. Eternity in Their Hearts: Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World by Don Richardson

There is also One Christ Consciousness - One Mind, Heart, Faith, the last Adam, Jesus Christ who is a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT in which we all can experience reality in. (1 Corinthians 15:45)

The Nature of God

There is ONE God as the FATHER, Jesus Christ as the SON, Holy Spirit. There are also the righteous redeemed human family of God which also shares in the Divine Union and godliness (selfless, loving, pure, righteousness, spiritual nature). All that is required to share in this divine union is SAVING FAITH.


Salvation really means WHOLENESS (Shalom). We come to find this wholeness when we place our faith in God. Real faith is having belief in God’s word (Logos) to receive RESULTS. It is the faith of Jesus Christ. Real faith is having confidence, (bridal-like) trust in the one promising wholeness which includes forgiveness, acceptance, love, redemption from sin (harm, fear, death). If we try to work these results mechanically on our own without the Spirit of Christ or own own efforts, it ends in corruption, so it’s not a matter of working hard, but CONFIDENT EXPECTATION in God’s Promises. If you attract what you focus on, focus on Christ to bear the results of faith: love, hope, goodness, righteousness.

“For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God;” –(Ephesians 2:8 AMP)

It’s about wholeness through a relationship with Jesus cultivated by prayer, fasting, worship, scripture reading. Being made complete in Christ. Seeing through God’s eyes and heart. Believe God exists and REWARDS you for your TRUST IN HIM.

Good News: God Loves You and can be Trusted!

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

What is the Gospel? The word “Gospel” means “good news.” It isn’t GOOD NEWS if it doesn’t make you FEEL GOOD. It is the good news of how you can have a loving, personal relationship with God that gives meaning and purpose to this perpetual life.

The Gospel is this: The Designer, Creator, and King of the whole world and the universe has met with us, He has saved us from ourselves through His RECONCILING work on the cross, He resurrected and is alive today, and we are now free to know Him!

To start this relationship, each person must sort out what to say to Jesus for himself, but one might try praying something like this:

“Jesus, I’m so sorry that I have been going my own way and not Your way. But I thank You so much for loving me enough to come and die for my sins. And now I’m so happy that in resurrecting you are alive and well, and I want to know You. Please come into my life, change my heart and mind, and let me know you deeply. I recognize You as King, please teach me how to obey and love You.”

Works and Faith

God does feely love us but our lower fleshly nature keeps us from obtaining the higher spiritual one. The work of salvation begins and ends with Jesus Christ. Our part is to deny ourselves (the fallen “beast” or primitive nature that involve lust, ego), and by continually denying our fallen nature, develop our minds to the mind of Christ and receive the new spiritual nature. which is the Divine Love of God. Satan had the world trapped in the false worship of religion, sex, money, posession (materialism), pleasure, ego.. Those that desire to obtain the love of God, must overcome their primitive nature through self-denial, carrying the cross, to develop the new spiritual nature which is CHRIST WITHIN the HOPE OF GLORY.

THE RECREATED HUMAN SPIRIT PERSON of man is the most underrepresented part of God on earth!

Your Purpose

Ultimately, it’s not what you know or believe but what you do about it that matters. Our purpose is to LIVE LOVED BY LETTING GOD LOVE YOU AND LETTING GOD’s LOVE TRANSFORM YOU SO YOU CAN LIVE LOVED!

God’s love is available to those who thirst. You can get to a place in your life where you can want nothing earthly and have everything heavenly all at once, you can be satisfied with the love of God which is greater than anything and available all the time!

“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13)

To Read More, check out What is the Purpose of Life? You Matter to God ›

Where to Start?

The goal for this website is to create a virtual space for believers in God to learn and study about God. Based in Phoenix, Arizona.

We have resources to grow your faith in the whole counsel of God.

Let’s Be Friends!

If you need prayer, a Bible, or anything else, we’re here for you so contact us at

Remember, by God’s grace, You matter to God and you are enough. God loves you, receive His love and live loved.

Seek God. Be committed to let God love you every day through denying selfish lusts and seek God’s will in the reading the Scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit.