Sharing Jesus

God uses good, faithful, witnesses to spread the good news of a loving, gracious God. Angels would love to do what you are called to do. Angels would like to tell the world about the glory of the God they worship. Yet the privilege is given to you and me.

Witnessing for God is the most dynamic strategy to remain alive in God and grow spiritually. When you become a witness for God in words or deeds God uses you! When you invite someone to come to church with you, God blesses you, and the person you invite.

"And so when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them, IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW TIMES OR EPOCHS WHICH THE FATHER HAS FIXED BY HIS OWN AUTHORITY; but you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My WITNESSES both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1: 7,8

If you a follower of God and you want to grow according to the His will, you must be a WITNESS.

  • If you receive the blessings of God and you share them as a WITNESS with generosity and a dynamic spirit of gratitude you will be like a river that flows and regenerates life all along its course! Great rivers are sources of life!

  • If you receive the blessings of God and you either misrepresent God as a false witness or choose not to be a witness for God, you will in time, become religious, and will be called "Dead Sea." No life can survive or be generated in such environment.

I have watched Christians for years. The ones who choose to have a relationship with God and become followers of God, also become dynamic WITNESSES of what God is doing in their lives. Those who choose to remain Christians because of doctrines or denominational loyalty soon become religious and cease to be sources of spiritual life.

Are you a faithful witness for God?

Why don’t we love people enough to understand that their eternal lives are at stake? They are headed to hell unless someone reaches out and wakes them up! Can you actually be nice when you KNOW someone is headed for eternal death?

Jesus revealed a spirit of urgency for the human condition when He was on this earth. He was the shepherd looking for the lost sheep! He revealed to us the passionate heart of God for lost people! He knew he had to pierce into the people’s hearts and consciousness for them to understand their condition. He did it all the time. There was no compromise in His message. It was ALL about getting people to understand there are two destinations! Eternal life, HEAVEN, or hell! Some got it, most refused to see it. But those who got it, became the ones the Holy Spirit was able to use in the most magnificent way to reach thousands throughout the Roman Empire. The 11 followers of Jesus, plus Mary Magdalene and many others mentioned in the book of Acts. They got it! They became contagious! They were willing to suffer persecution, jail, even death to proclaim the good news of a loving God! Same today! God needs people who are totally on fire for His mission to this world! Willing to risk it all!

Jesus’ presence on this earth had one purpose: He came "TO SEEK AND SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST" (Luke 19:10) There was a sense of urgency in His mission! You see, Friend, the spirit and the drive of someone attempting to save a "lost person" is totally different of the one attempting to explain the nuances of life, or negotiate different points of view, or attempting to avoid antagonism, or worst yet, look cool and composed! If my house is on fire and one of my kids is inside, I don’t want firefighters that are "nice" and "gentle." I want people with a sense of urgency! I want firefighters that are willing to bring doors down, poke holes on a wall, climb up walls, risk their lives for my kids… Wouldn’t you? I want them to be brutally efficient in bringing my child into safety alive!

"Lost people" need someone to make them aware they are lost! Are you going to keep it as a secret so no one says you are an intruder into their private lives? Or you are not improper? "Lost people" need direction to get out of their predicament. Will you just let them keep walking as lost people to protect your image?

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless SOMEONE tells them?" Romans 10:14


Witnessing for God, sharing the Good News with "lost people" wherever you go, Friend, IS NOT A CHOICE if you really are a follower of God! Do you know someone who needs SOMEONE to tell them God is good? Are you that SOMEONE? Who will be in heaven because of you? Let’s pray that God will fire us up to reach people for His kingdom! The time is short, Friend! There has not been a better time than right now to tell people about God. In the midst of the "dark news" of the day, followers of God have "Good News"!

Some great ideas to share the love of Jesus is to give to the poor or go door to door, handing out good quality Bibles and offering prayer with an invitation for them to follow up with you if they have any questions. Ideally, you want to find a Bible with font size of 9 points or higher, with Words of Christ in red letter.

Here is Jesus’s promise for you: "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of [people]" (Matthew 4:19). The phrase "fishers of [people]" could be better translated, "catch [people] alive." Not only that, but the phrase is used only one other time in the New Testament, in 2 Timothy 2:26, where Paul speaks of those who have been taken captive by the devil to do his will. In other words, they are caught alive by Satan. It so sad! I have seen people alive in church, hearing the Word of God for years, and suddenly the devil takes them alive because they have not been committed to God totally and takes them away! We must "catch people alive."

"Go out and TRAIN [disciple] everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then INSTRUCT THEM IN THE PRACTICE OF ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."

We must be faithful to Jesus command. It’s not enough to "catch alive", we must grow, train and lovingly instruct people in the ways of God!

As we "catch people" alive and disciple them, train them, help them grow, we must PRAY for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and all of us.**

Audio and Physical Bible for Urban Outreaches:

Bulk Bibles

Supplementary Books

Evangelism Ministries

How to Evangelize