“Christ Altogether Lovely” by John Flavel is a theological work that explores the loveliness of Jesus Christ in various aspects of His being, offices, and relationships. The central theme is based on Song of Songs 5:16, “Yes, He is altogether lovely.” Flavel presents Christ as the ultimate object of love, highlighting His divine and human nature, the perfection of His character, and the benefits derived from His roles as Redeemer, Bridegroom, Advocate, and Friend.
- Christ’s Person:
- Jesus is lovely in His person as He embodies both divinity and humanity (John 1:14). His nature is filled with the graces of the Spirit (John 3:34), making Him the most excellent among men (Psalm 45:2).
- Christ’s Offices:
- As a Prophet, He enlightens the ignorant (Isaiah 49:6; Acts 17:27).
- As a Priest, He makes peace through His sacrifice (Colossians 1:20).
- As a King, He delivers from Satan’s bondage (Colossians 1:13).
- Christ’s Relationships:
- As a Redeemer, He saves from wrath through His blood (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Peter 1:18-19).
- As a Bridegroom, He loves and sanctifies His church (Ephesians 5:25-27).
- As an Advocate, He pleads for believers with His blood (1 John 2:1; Hebrews 7:25).
- As a Friend, He reveals His heart and sacrifices His life (John 15:13-15).
- Application:
- Believers are urged to set their affections on Christ, esteem nothing apart from Him, and represent His loveliness to the world.
- The loveliness of Christ should draw all to Him, and believers should strive to be Christ-like, reflecting His beauty and loveliness in their lives.
Chapter Summaries and Key Points
1. Christ is to be Loved
- Summary: Christ’s loveliness is presented as incomparable and worthy of utmost love. The chapter explains the multifaceted loveliness of Christ and urges believers to set their affections on Him.
- Key Points:
- Christ’s loveliness is exclusive and unmatched (Psalm 45:2).
- Every attribute of Christ is perfect and desirable (Colossians 1:19).
- Believers should love Christ above all things (Deuteronomy 7:7).
2. What is Meant by “Altogether Lovely”
- Summary: This chapter delves into the meaning of the phrase “altogether lovely,” emphasizing the purity and completeness of Christ’s beauty and desirability.
- Key Points:
- Christ’s excellencies are pure and unmixed (Job 4:21).
- He embodies all that is lovely (Proverbs 8:11).
- Nothing is lovely apart from Him (Psalm 73:26).
3. He is Lovely in His Person
- Summary: Christ’s divine and human natures are explored, showing how His fullness of grace and truth makes Him supremely lovely.
- Key Points:
- Jesus is both God and man (John 1:14).
- He is filled with the Spirit without measure (John 3:34).
- His lips are anointed with grace (Psalm 45:2).
4. He is Lovely in His Offices
- Summary: The suitability, fullness, and comforting nature of Christ’s offices as Prophet, Priest, and King are discussed.
- Key Points:
- As Prophet, He enlightens (Isaiah 49:6).
- As Priest, He reconciles and pardons (Colossians 1:20).
- As King, He delivers from bondage (Hebrews 7:25).
5. He is Lovely in His Relations
- Summary: Christ’s relational roles as Redeemer, Bridegroom, Advocate, and Friend are examined, highlighting the depth of His love and commitment.
- Key Points:
- As Redeemer, He saves by His blood (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
- As Bridegroom, He loves and sanctifies (Ephesians 5:25).
- As Advocate, He pleads with His blood (1 John 2:1).
- As Friend, He reveals His heart and sacrifices (John 15:13).
6. Application
- Summary: Practical applications of Christ’s loveliness are provided, urging believers to love Him supremely, reflect His beauty, and live Christ-like lives.
- Key Points:
- Set your affections on Christ (Colossians 1:10).
- Esteem nothing apart from Him (Psalm 45:2).
- Represent Christ’s loveliness to the world (1 Peter 2:19).